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Directia Generala pentru Justitie a Comisiei Europene a lansat in data de 9 mai o consultare publica in scopul identificqrii obstacolelor de care inca se lovesc cetatenii atunci cand calatoresc, muncesc, studiaza sau fac cumparaturi pe teritoriuil altui stat membru.

Va rugam sa promovati aceasta consultare publica atat pe site-urile voastre, cat si in cadrul activitatilor pe care le organizati.
Pentru a veni in ajutorul vostru, Comisia a publicat un flyer in toate limbile UE, pe care il puteti descarca de aici: ec.europa.eu/your-rights-your-future
Consultarea publica va fi deschisa pana pe 9 septembrie 2012 si poate fi accesata pe pagina: http://ec.europa.eu/yourvoice/consultations/index_en.htm

Aveti mai jos mesajul Directiei Generale pentru Justitie legat de acest subiect.

Multumim pentru colaborare!

Toate cele bune,

Gabriela Obreja
Departamentul de Informare si Comunicare
Reprezentanta Comisiei Europene in Romania

9 May will as always be a period of intense activity, with a large number of events planned all around the EU. This year, the Commission will also launch a major public consultation on the citizens’ agenda: what citizens think about their EU rights, problems they have encountered when using them and their own vision for what the EU should be doing, in the run up to the 2013 European Year of Citizens.

This consultation will feed directly into the next EU Citizenship Report, to be adopted in one year’s time on 9 May 2013. As such, it represents an excellent opportunity to reach out to the public and ask them how we can help address problems relating to their EU rights in everday life.

To ensure that this exercise is a success, we would like to ask for your help in publicising the launch of the consultation on 9 May and to continue to do so until it closes on 9 September. To this end, we made available:

– A dedicated webpage ec.europa.eu/your-rights-your-future
– A flyer to distribute at public events around 9 May
and over the coming months, available in all languages
– Web and social media buttons
– The 2010 Citizenship
> in all languages for download and print and use in
relevant events. You can also consult the 2010 EU Citizenship scoreboard:

Please share, like and retweet us on facebook and twitter!
@EU_Justice, @EU_Commission, facebook.com/EUJustice,


Thanks in advance for your help!
Kind regards,

European Commission
DG Communication C.3
Tel: +32-2-2963694



By o9admin